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News Title : NSW branch Autumn 2007 grading results
News Date : 2007-03-12
News Summary : Another successful Autumn Camp was held at Heathcote on Sat/Sun 10/11 Mar 2007 with participants from near and far. On the Sunday afternoon 11 Mar 2007 the senior grade (4th kyu and above) grading was held. There were almost fifty students being graded with three Shodan and four Nidan candidates. It was a very warm and humid afternoon (about 30°C) when candidates were tested over four gruelling hours for their karate knowledge, ability, fitness and stamina.
Congratulations to all the students.

News Title : Read Shihan Viccars's Kyokushin journey in this month's Blitz
News Date : 2007-03-01
News Summary : Shihan Viccars shares his story of Kyokushin Karate in this month's Blitz (Australasian Martial Arts Magazine), March 2007.

News Title : Read about Masayuki Sakamoto's (3rd kyu) third placing in the 2006 Karate World Cup
News Date : 2007-03-01
News Summary : Masayuki Sakamoto reveals how he won third place in the world’s biggest full-contact karate tournament in this month's Blitz (Australasian Martial Arts Magazine), March 2007.

News Title : 2006 Karate World Cup Result Released
News Date : 2006-11-05
News Summary : 2006 Karate World Cup Result Released !

News Title : Kancho Matsushima is now 9 dan
News Date : 2006-11-05
News Summary : International committee surprised Kancho Matsushima with the award of 9 dan before the finals !!

Total No. of News : 55
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