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News Title : Sensei Owen Povey, RIP
News Date : 2014-02-19
News Summary : Dear Yudansha, AKKA & Kyokushin members, Osu

It is with great sadness that I announce the sudden death of Sensei Owen Povey.
News Detail : Sensei Povey ran the Kyokushin Mount Gambier in South Australia for many years and not only was a very good Kyokushin karate-ka but an outstanding human being. Sensei Povey was certainly a unique person and it was always a pleasure to spend time with him and he will be sadly missed.

It is a very sad day for the whole of Kyokushin, It was my pleasure to have known Sensei Povey for many years. The likes of Sensei Povey will not come again and is a huge loss to us all.

I would like to express my deepest condolences to Sensei Povey's family at this sad time.

John Taylor

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